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Sunday, February 2, 2014

5 Healthy Habits for Entrepreneurs: Sachin Karpe Advice

It gives a kind of a kick to be an entrepreneur and manage your own company. While it is fun to be owns’ boss, it can also get tiring at times. To wane off unwanted stress, few health tips could come handy. Without much of efforts and some simple routine, you can easily maintain a healthy lifestyle, explains Sachin Karpe.

Early to bed and early to rise: The mother of all good habits. This habit sets a tone for a natural biological clock. It results in a healthy metabolism and efficiency.

Eat small potions in every 3 hours: The demanding work schedule could take away your precious meal time from you. Best is to carry fruits and nuts and chomp on them frequently. They not only keep you filled but also provide you with the fuel required for the day.

Take break between: You may virtually end up working all day. In such, it is wise to take a small break of atleast 30 minutes. Utilize this time to read something or listen to your favourite music. It keeps you rejuvenated and leaves you refreshed for the next challenging task of the day. It may sound to break your momentum for the day, but it only leaves you loving yourself more.

Workout or meditate: While you feel low on energy after the hectic day. Take some time off to concentrate on just your existence. A small 5 minutes meditation does the trick for you when you think of nothing and just focus on your breathe. That’s as integral for your body as food. If you are fond of physical activity, throw yourself to the gym. A mild workout helps shed out those extra kilos and keep the metabolism in place. The sedentary work style can be a like a slow poison. Therefore, work your body and give it the much needed physical churn.

Read a book: Books take you away from your existing world and provide an example sort of in your life. You never know when you get inspire from a simple but a meaningful sentence mentioned in a book. Gift yourself with a variety of books and cultivate a habit of reading. It takes sometime from you but gives back much more in ways you can’t imagine, feels Sachin Karpe.


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